Alfa Cytology/Brain Tumors


Single Cell Nuclear RNA Sequencing for Brain Tumors

Single cell nuclear RNA sequencing for brain tumors

The cell is the basic functional unit of life activity. Single-cell sequencing is currently a powerful technical tool for resolving various life phenomena and revealing various biological mechanisms. For brain tissue, single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) sometimes does not provide a comprehensive analysis of neural cell types. In contrast, single-cell nuclear RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) technology has largely solved this problem.

Our snRNA-seq services for brain tumors

Alfa Cytology offers snRNA-seq service to extract nuclei from tissues and then perform high-throughput sequencing analysis of the transcriptome at the level of individual nuclei. By examining the gene expression status of individual nuclei, we can help you uncover the heterogeneity among brain tumor cells. Our extensive experience has demonstrated the validity and reliability of snRNA-seq in brain tumor tissue research. We have also developed a raw letter process specifically for snRNA-seq data analysis.

General services flow

snRNA-seq services flow

In the preparation of single-cell nuclei, we can minimize enzymatic digestion, mechanical stress-induced generation of pseudocellular taxa. In terms of data analysis, we can obtain data of intron region and intergenic region by snRNA-seq, which enables higher resolution of cell type identification and relatively richer genetic information obtained.

Sample requirements

  • Tissue amount: ≥ 1g.
  • Sample processing: Tissue is snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80 °C.
  • Quality requirements: no degradation of tissue RNA, RIN ≥ 7.

Application areas

  • To reveal the activation state of neurons.
  • Dissect transient transcriptional states of cortical cells.
  • Discover the transcriptional state of cells specific to brain tumors.
  • Identify the developmental trajectory of cardiomyocytes.
  • Reveal the dynamic changes of cell development and differentiation.

Technical advantages

  • The sample type is greatly amplified and the procedure is greatly simplified and stable. It can be applied to single-cell transcriptome studies of frozen tissues, and high-quality data and reliable results can be obtained.
  • No artificial transcriptional preferences are introduced. The sequencing results can truly reflect the transcriptional patterns of cells at the sampling time points, thus providing accurate information on the transcriptional status of cells.
  • A more comprehensive and complete set of cell types can be identified. All cell types are effectively recovered and identified without bias in the enzymatic digestion method, helping you to obtain a more complete and comprehensive cellular profile.

With its stable and reliable results, snRNA-seq technology has become the mainstream technology in the development of single-cell sequencing. With the accumulation of snRNA-seq data, Alfa Cytology tries to link phenotypes, genotypes, and transcriptional patterns of cell nuclei to help you understand the mysteries of brain tumors more and more clearly. Only by understanding these mechanisms, combined with various engineering approaches, can we help you to gain a deeper understanding of brain tumors. Please contact our staff for more information.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.
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