Alfa Cytology/Brain Tumors


Spatial Transcriptomic Analysis for Brain Tumors

Brain tumor

Single-cell technology provides insights into the transcriptional regulation and dynamic evolution of individual cells in healthy human brains and malignancies. However, the single-cell analysis provides only indirect inferences of cellular interactions, and information on spatial organization is lost. Spatial transcriptomes not only carry gene expression information but also provide spatial location information. This can help researchers understand the relative location of genes in brain tumor tissue samples and thus reveal the impact of gene expression distribution relationships in space on brain tumors.

Our services in the spatial transcriptome-based analysis of brain tumors

Alfa Cytology utilizes spatial transcriptome technology to efficiently detect gene expression patterns in brain tumor tissues at spatially primitive locations. This allows us to characterize cellular interactions and organization in situ, thereby deciphering the ecosystem of malignant brain tumors.

We can detect total mRNA from intact brain tumor tissue sections, combine the spatial information of total mRNA with morphological content, and map the locations where all gene expression occurs to obtain a complete gene expression atlas. This allows us to identify different cell populations while preserving spatial location, providing important information on the relationship between brain tumor cell function, phenotype, and location in the brain tumor tissue microenvironment. And it can help you to study brain tumor cell heterogeneity.

The general service flow

Service flow of brain tumor spatial transcriptome analysis - Alfa Cytology

The core of the spatial transcriptome data analysis we provide is clustering based on gene expression information for each spot on each microarray. The spots are then placed back on the tissue image based on the sequence of coordinate positions. The spatial location of each gene expressed in the tissue can also be localized.

After obtaining the sequencing data, we first use the software to automate image processing, data comparison, and Barcode processing. We can visualize and analyze the spatial transcriptome data quickly and easily. We provide basic and advanced scores such as spot gene count and UMI count statistics, slice spot clustering, and clustered subgroup marker gene analysis, in addition to personalized analysis such as specific pathway function enrichment analysis.

Advantages of our technology

  • Accurate localization. Can effectively locate the spatial location of RNA in brain tumor tissues and provides real-time insight into the natural state of the transcriptome in tumor tissues.
  • Simple and easy to use. The microarray design is simple and easy to operate, highly reproducible, and provides rapid access to high-resolution spatial transcriptome information.
  • In-depth analysis. We can mine the data in combination with tissue region distribution and can mine data in combination with pathological features.
  • Higher precision. We apply higher precision spatial transcriptome sequencing chips to complete experiments, allowing us to map Spatio-temporal genetic profiles with higher precision.
  • Wide range of applications. It is well applied in the fields of fine structure delineation of brain tissues and the immune microenvironment of brain tumors.

Alfa Cytology offers brain tumor spatial transcriptomic analysis services that uncover essential brain tumor features and establish a microenvironment marked by immune and metabolic stressors. This allows the elaboration of localized regional tumor-host interdependencies. This will further emphasize the need for various transcriptional adaptations of brain tumors due to the microenvironment in a spatially resolved context. It provides important information for further exploration of early brain tumor recurrence and treatment resistance. Please contact our staff for more information.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.
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