Transmonosynaptic Retrograde and Biological Markers Neural Stem Cell Lines
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Transmonosynaptic Retrograde and Biological Markers Neural Stem Cell Lines

Transmonosynaptic Retrograde and Biological Markers Neural Stem Cell Lines

Transmonosynaptic retrograde tracing is a groundbreaking technique that offers significant insights into neural connectivity and tumor biology, particularly in the context of brain tumors. Alfa Cytology specializes in developing NSC lines that incorporate transmonosynaptic retrograde tracing capabilities along with identifiable biological markers.

Introduction to Transmonosynaptic Retrograde and Biological Markers NSC Lines

This approach utilizes genetically modified neural stem cell (NSC) lines to trace synaptic connections and identify biological markers associated with tumor progression and microenvironment interactions. Neural stem cells are capable of differentiation into various cell types within the nervous system.

Transmonosynaptic Retrograde and Biological Markers Neural Stem Cell LinesFig.1 Improved Monosynaptic Neural Circuit Tracing Using Engineered Rabies Virus Glycoproteins. (Kim, E. J., et al. 2016)

Genetically modified to express specific retrograde tracers, these NSCs can illuminate the pathways and cellular interactions crucial for tumor development and progression. For instance, studies have demonstrated that glioblastomas exploit synaptic connections to enhance their growth and invasiveness. By utilizing transmonosynaptic tracing in NSC models, researchers can map these connections in real time, providing a clearer picture of the tumor's influence on neural circuitry.

Our Services

Alfa Cytology offers a suite of services dedicated to the development of transmonosynaptic retrograde and biological markers NSC lines tailored for brain tumor research.

Developable transmonosynaptic retrograde labeling-like neural stem cells

Name Tracer
hNSC-TVA-RVG cell line RVG, TVA

Developable biological marker-like neural stem cells

  • Synaptic markers

We genetically engineer markers specific to synaptic structures to fuse fluorescent proteins and observe synaptic structures by fluorescence.

Name Marker
hNSC-PSD95 cell line PSD95 postsynaptic marker
hNSC-Gephyrin cell line Gephyrin inhibitory postsynaptic marker
hNSC-Synaptophysin cell line Synaptophysin synaptic vesicle membrane marker
  • Fluorescent tracer marker
Name Marker
hNSC-EGFP cell line Green fluorescent protein
hNSC-mCheny cell line Red fluorescent protein
hNSC-Luciferase-EGFP cell line Firefly luciferase + green fluorescent protein

Alfa Cytology can develop more than just cell lines, please feel free to contact us for more technical information.


  1. Kim, E. J., et al. (2016). Improved monosynaptic neural circuit tracing using engineered rabies virus glycoproteins[J]. Cell reports. 15(4), 692-699.
All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.