AI Diagnosis for Breast Cancer

AI Diagnosis for Breast Cancer

Introduction of AI Diagnosis for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer (BC) has become the most common and lethal cancer among women. At present, mammography has been widely used in diagnosing BC, but the method is not perfect, and misdiagnosis may occur, leading to overdiagnosis, overtreatment, and increased patient anxiety. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool in the rapidly evolving field of medical imaging, and AI applications for mammography have been extensively explored in research and commercially. Applications of artificial intelligence in breast imaging include ultrasound evaluation, comparison with previous studies, diagnosis and risk assessment, and fusion of clinical imaging information. AI plays a vital role in optimizing the allocation of medical resources, relieving the work pressure of radiologists, and improving the accuracy of detection and diagnosis.

Ultrasound images from breast tissue for normal, benign, and malignant.Fig. 1. Ultrasound images from breast tissue for normal, benign, and malignant. (Al-Dhabyani W, et al., 2019)

Breast Cancer AI Diagnosis Service

Alfa Cytology has extensive experience in AI-driven breast image analysis. Artificial intelligence algorithms based on deep learning could improve the accuracy of mammograms in detecting BC. We can provide you with AI-based BC diagnostic services that meet your needs. Due to the high-quality requirements of mammography images, the difficulty of breast imaging diagnosis, and the difficulty in training professional imaging diagnostic doctors, breast AI imaging diagnosis gradually occupies a dominant position. Our AI detection can detect early cancers that are rarely found in humans in time, which is helpful for the early detection of BC and improves the survival rate of patients. Our services include,

  • BC screening test

BC screening through artificial intelligence can detect early BC and treat it in time. The platforms we use are mainly Lunit INSIGHT CXR, Lunit INSIGHT CXRTriage, Lunit INSIGHT MMG, and Lunit INSIGHT DBT.

  • BC breast density

Breast density is an imaging biomarker of BC risk. High breast density may increase the risk of BC, and dense breasts may hide cancerous lesions on X-rays, increasing the risk of missed diagnoses. Our services can help you judge breast density with high precision. The platform we use is mainly WRDensity.

  • BC treatment

Improving the efficacy of immunotherapy through accurate prediction of treatment response. The platforms we use are mainly Lunit SCOPE PD-L1 and Lunit SCOPE IO.

Advantages of Our Services

  • Optimized workflow
  • High-precision image analysis
  • Realize the early diagnosis of BC
  • Personalized customization service
  • A good after-sales service

Alfa Cytology is a leading CRO company with rich experience in BC basic research, we have advanced technology and a professional team. The artificial intelligence system has shown great potential in the diagnosis of breast lesions and can be used as an auxiliary system to help researchers make more accurate diagnoses. If you are interested in learning more about our BC AI diagnostic services, please feel free to contact us. Our professional and patient staff will get in touch with you as soon as possible.


  1. Al-Dhabyani W, et al. Dataset of breast ultrasound images. Data Brief. 2019 Nov 21; 28:104863.
All our services and products are exclusively intended for preclinical research purposes. They are not intended for diagnostic, therapeutic, or patient management applications.