Breast Cancer Dendritic Cell Therapy

Breast Cancer Dendritic Cell Therapy

Introduction of Dendritic Cell Therapy

Breast cancer is a pathological state in which breast epithelial cells proliferate uncontrollably under the action of a variety of carcinogens. Immunotherapy is a promising avenue for breast cancer treatment. Dendritic cells (DCs) are considered the most efficient professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs) capable of inducing adaptive immunity and supporting innate immune responses. The safety and feasibility of DC-based immunotherapy for the treatment of cancer tumors has been well documented, with DCs obtained from patients and inducing the immune system to eliminate tumors ex vivo. DCs are often associated with a positive prognosis when present in tumors, so treatments targeting DCs focus on enhancing DC function, increasing their numbers, or bypassing the tumor microenvironment to promote systemic antitumor immunity.

Treatments targeting dendritic cells.Fig. 1.Treatments targeting dendritic cells. (Gardner A, et al., 2020)

Breast Cancer Dendritic Cell Therapy Development Services

With its rich experience and unique platform, Alfa Cytology can provide a series of consulting services for breast cancer DC therapy development based on various state-of-the-art technologies. We are proud to work with our customers to bring your novel DC therapies to market.

  • How does DC cell therapy kill breast tumor cells?
  1. DC cell therapy uses the patient's somatic cells, extracts mononuclear cells from peripheral blood, proliferates them through in vitro culture, and matures them into dendritic cells.
  2. According to the characteristics of cancer cells (cancer marker antigens) in the patient's body, they are loaded into cultured dendritic cells.
  3. After about 2 weeks of culture, it is then reinfused into the patient's body.
  4. When T cells receive antigen instructions from DC cells, they will actively attack cancer cells to eliminate breast tumor cells.

The success of dendritic cell therapy development and manufacturing depends largely on the quality and consistency of raw materials and the manufacturer's ability to obtain them at the right time. We provide a reliable one-stop solution for the uninterrupted supply of GMP-compliant human cell materials to ensure control of starting materials and help streamline the development and manufacturing of cell therapies.

Alfa Cytology is a world-leading preclinical CRO company dedicated to assisting scientists around the world in BC research. We can provide you with BC dendritic cell therapy development services and help in the development of therapies and diagnostics for BC. If you have any questions about BC research, please contact us and our experts will get back to you as soon as possible.


  1. Gardner A, et al. Dendritic Cells and Their Role in Immunotherapy. Front Immunol. 2020 May 21;11:924.
All our services and products are exclusively intended for preclinical research purposes. They are not intended for diagnostic, therapeutic, or patient management applications.