Breast Cancer Microbiota Analysis Services

Breast Cancer Microbiota Analysis Services

Introduction of Breast Cancer Microbiota

The gastrointestinal tract is a complex, open ecosystem that is integrated with the external environment, and exposure to external insults can lead to dysbiosis. Some scholars believe that changes in the microbiota may promote the development of extraintestinal tumors and participate in their invasiveness, and studies have shown that there are differences in the intestinal microbiota of patients with benign tumors and patients with malignant tumors. This suggests that microbiome signatures may be related to the cancerous status of tumors. Although human breast tissue was previously considered sterile, high-throughput technologies have recently revealed the breast microbiome profile. The local breast microbiota appears to be different in women with and without BC, and specific microbes present in the breast and/or intestinal microenvironment have a role in BC.

Several mechanisms to understand the microbial influence on cancer.Fig. 1. Several mechanisms to understand the microbial influence on cancer. (Álvarez-Mercado AI, et al., 2023)

Our Services

The impact of the microbiome on BC is multifactorial, and intestinal and breast tissue microbiota may be important in modulating the local immune system, tumor formation and progression, and treatment response and/or resistance. Alfa Cytology is committed to providing reliable qPCR, metagenomic, 16SrRNA and ITS sequencing services to further study the relationship between BC and the microbiome. Our services include:

Services Description
qPCR microbiome sequencing qPCR is used to measure the absolute number of copies of a microbial DNA, which can quantify the number of bacteria or fungi and thus the species and strain levels in a given sample.
16S (bacterial rRNA) 16S rRNA gene sequencing can determine the relative abundance of taxa in bacterial communities and compare differences between groups of interest. This level of analysis can help resolve changes in overall microbial profiles over time or between treatment groups.
ITS (fungi) ITS rRNA gene sequencing allows the relative abundance of taxa within fungal communities to be determined and compared between groups of interest.
Shotgun metagenomics sequencing We offer parallel sequencing services for the DNA of all organisms within a community (bacteria, fungi, viruses, and humans) and perform taxonomic analysis to investigate the role of microbiota in breast cancer.

Alfa Cytology boasts extensive expertise in BC research garnered over many years. We are committed to continuous innovation, perpetually exploring improved solutions for our clientele, and ensuring the delivery of top-notch products and services. If you are interested in learning more about our BC microbiota analysis services, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our dedicated and knowledgeable staff will promptly get in touch with you.


  1. Álvarez-Mercado AI, et al. Gut Microbiota and Breast Cancer: The Dual Role of Microbes. Cancers (Basel). 2023 Jan 10;15(2):443.
All our services and products are exclusively intended for preclinical research purposes. They are not intended for diagnostic, therapeutic, or patient management applications.