Dendritic Cell Vaccine Development for Breast Cancer

Dendritic Cell Vaccine Development for Breast Cancer

Introduction of Dendritic Cell Vaccine

Dendritic cells (DCs) are critical for the initiation and regulation of innate and adaptive immunity in the tumor microenvironment, and their efficient antigen processing and presentation properties make them promising targets for the development of cancer therapeutic vaccine therapies. Targeted delivery of antigens and adjuvants into DCs is an important approach to developing DC vaccines. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that originates from cells in breast tissue. In recent years, there have been frequent reports on DC vaccines for the treatment of breast cancer, such as the HER2 peptide-pulsed type I DC (HER2-DC1) vaccine, etc., indicating that DC vaccines have good prospects in the treatment of breast cancer.

Personalized DC-iMB strategy for TNBC immunotherapy.Fig. 1. Personalized DC-iMB strategy for TNBC immunotherapy. (Jugniot N, et al., 2022)

Breast Cancer Dendritic Cell Vaccine Development Services

DCs are the best antigen-presenting cells (APCs) to initiate T-cell responses, and they are rare cells in the circulation system and tissues. Years of research have focused on using DC vaccines against cancer to initiate and form anti-tumor-specific immune responses and enhance existing spontaneous anti-tumor T-cell responses.

Alfa Cytology supports research at all stages of vaccine development through innovative models, such as vaccine sources, vaccine antigen and adjuvant selection, vaccine target optimization, etc. There are a variety of testing methods used to test the safety, effectiveness, immunotoxicology, and pharmacokinetics of vaccines.

Key steps in preparing DC vaccines for cancer therapy.Fig. 2. Key steps in preparing DC vaccines for cancer therapy. (Santos PM, et al., 2018)

Advantages of Dendritic Cell Vaccine

  • Multiplier effect

One dendritic cell can activate 100 to 3,000 T cells and mobilize other immune cells. Therefore, small doses of DCs can mobilize large-scale, long-lasting immune responses.

  • Almost no toxic or side effects

In clinical studies to date, no toxicities such as those involved in chemotherapy have occurred during more than 10 years and more than 1,000 courses of treatment, and no treatment-related serious adverse events have occurred.

  • Rebuild immune protection and exert long-lasting anti-cancer effects

The immune protection system based on the repair and reconstruction of DCs is like a vaccine, and a part of T cells quickly exerts an anti-cancer effect. The other part will survive for more than ten to decades and become memory T cells. The next time they are exposed to a low-dose antigen, they can generate a high-intensity immune response.

Alfa Cytology is a world-leading preclinical CRO company dedicated to assisting scientists around the world in BC research. We can provide you with BC dendritic cell vaccine development services and help in the treatment and diagnosis of BC. If you have any questions about BC research, please contact us and our experts will get back to you as soon as possible.


  1. Jugniot N, et al. Immunotheranostic microbubbles (iMBs) - a modular platform for dendritic cell vaccine delivery applied to breast cancer immunotherapy. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2022 Oct 12;41(1):299.
  2. Santos PM, Butterfield LH. Dendritic Cell-Based Cancer Vaccines. J Immunol. 2018 Jan 15;200(2):443-449.
All our services and products are exclusively intended for preclinical research purposes. They are not intended for diagnostic, therapeutic, or patient management applications.