Metastasis Models for Breast Cancer

Metastasis Models for Breast Cancer

The molecular mechanisms underlying the metastatic spread of cancer cells are a crucial focus in the study of breast cancer. Alfa Cytology offers services for constructing models of metastasis, aiming to assist clients in identifying suitable models for studying breast cancer metastasis. With our extensive experience in model construction, we provide high-quality breast cancer models for research purposes.

Introduction to Metastasis Models for Breast Cancer

The identification of appropriate therapeutic targets and proof-of-concept experimentation involves an increasing number of experimental models. The multistep nature of metastasis and the heterogeneity exhibited within breast cancer warrants the continued use and development of laboratory models to accurately reflect this complicated process in order to discover therapeutic interventions.

Breast cancer models for investigating metastasis.Fig. 1. Breast cancer models for investigating therapy resistance and metastasis. (Roarty K, Echeverria GV., 2021)

Type of Model Advantages Disadvantages
Injection into circulation
  • Ability to model later stages of the metastatic cascade
  • Readily reproducible
  • Immunocompetent if syngeneic line used
  • Inability to model early stages of the metastatic cascade
  • Immunocompromised host if material is PDX-or human cell line-derive
Orthotopic xenografts
  • Intact mammary microenvironment
  • Ability to obtain multi-site metastases
  • High cost
  • Deficient immune system
Syngeneic transplants
  • Ability to genetically control metastasis
  • Some degree of genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity
  • Ability to model the entire metastatic cascade
  • Necessitates genetic Breeding Colony
  • Sometimes long timescales of tumorigenesis

Our Services

Metastasis models for breast cancer play a crucial role in understanding the mechanisms by which breast cancer spreads to other parts of the body. Alfa Cytology offers a comprehensive Metastasis Models construction service to support your research and drug development projects.

Construction of Transplant Tumor Models

Metastasis Mouse Models

Experimental metastasis refers to the direct introduction of breast cancer tumor cells into the vascular system, bypassing the early stages of metastatic cascade. We customize experimental models of metastasis based on your specific requirements for injection sites and inherent tropism of tumor cells.

Orthotopic Xenograft Models of Metastasis

PDX models have the capability to faithfully replicate the specific organ preferences of metastasis for different subtypes of breast cancer. We possess a diverse range of breast cancer cell lines that can be orthotopically xenografted into mice, facilitating research on circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and metastasis.

Construction of Transgenic Models of Breast Cancer Metastasis

To simulate tumor progression and metastasis, we employ constitutive or inducible transgenic approaches to construct genetically engineered mouse models (GEMMs). Our repertoire includes various systems, such as the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) LTR promoter, along with several other promoters. Below are some examples of the Transgenic mouse models of breast cancer metastasis that we can construct.

Single-transgenic mice Composite-transgenic mice

Single-transgenic mice of breast cancer refer to genetically modified mice that carry a single transgene associated with breast cancer development.

  • MMTV-Cox2
  • MMTV-Wnt1
  • MMTV-Neu
  • H19-IGF2
  • Wap-HGF
  • Wap-Ras

Composite transgenic mice are transgenic mice that carry multiple genes associated with the development of breast cancer.

  • MMTV-Neu; SR2F
  • MMTV-Wnt1; int2
  • MMTV-Neu; S100A4

Contact Us

At Alfa Cytology, by leveraging our Metastasis Model for Breast Cancer service, you can gain crucial insights into the metastatic process and identify potential therapeutic targets. Contact us to discuss your project requirements and learn more about how our metastasis model for breast cancer service can advance your research goals.


  1. Roarty K, Echeverria GV. Laboratory models for investigating breast cancer therapy resistance and metastasis. Frontiers in Oncology. 2021, 11: 645698.
All our services and products are exclusively intended for preclinical research purposes. They are not intended for diagnostic, therapeutic, or patient management applications.