Microbiota Biomarkers for Breast Cancer Diagnostics

Microbiota Biomarkers for Breast Cancer Diagnostics

Introduction of Microbiota-Breast Cancer Link

Breast cancer (BC) is the most common malignancy in women worldwide, and early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of BC can improve survival chances. The milk secreted by the breast tissue joins the nipple through ducts at all levels and opens to the outside world. Therefore, the human breast is not sterile and contains a unique and diverse bacterial flora structure. Recent studies have shown that BC can be positively or negatively affected by the local mammary microbiota or gut microbiota. The microbiota can increase/decrease breast cancer risk by modulating circulating steroid hormone levels, modulating energy intake and utilization, synthesizing metabolites such as genotoxins, lipopolysaccharides, vitamins, and antibiotics, and modulating the immune system. Therefore, the microbiota can serve as a biomarker for breast cancer diagnosis.

Microbiome and regulation of estrogen in breast cancer.Fig. 1. Microbiome and regulation of estrogen in breast cancer. (Viswanathan S, et al., 2023)

BC Microbiota Biomarkers Development Services

Alfa Cytology is a leading preclinical CRO company with extensive experience in BC basic research and biomarkers development. With advanced technology and a professional team, we can provide BC diagnostic development services, including microbiome biomarkers development for BC diagnostics. As an important part of the body, the microbiota has been considered an important mediator in regulating tumor susceptibility and disease progression in recent years. The microbiota in the mammary gland and intestinal tract are related to the occurrence and development of BC. The mechanism of action may include changing the barrier function, affecting the level of estrogen and lipid metabolism, chronic inflammation and immune regulation, DNA damage, and other potential pathways. We have professional microbial detection platforms,

  • 16S rRNA gene sequencing
  • Metagenomic-based shotgun sequencing (WMS)
  • Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
  • Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
  • D-alanine-based methods

For the development of BC diagnostic biomarkers, we focus on tumor microbiota and gut microbiota, our services include,

  • Experimental design and consulting
  • Optimized and validated sample preparation protocols
  • Genome sequencing and data analysis
  • Identification of BC-associated tumor and gut microbiota

Advantages of Our Services

  • Customized services to meet customer needs
  • Advanced and comprehensive microbial research platform
  • Extensive experience in BC microbiota biomarker discovery and development
  • Efficient and perfect after-sales service

Alfa Cytology has extensive experience in biomarker development. Microbiota in breast tissue and gut vary by race, stage, and breast tumor subtype and are associated with cancer initiation, progression, and prognosis. It is a very promising research direction to dig deeper into the mechanism of microbial action in BC and search for new biomarkers. Our service is dedicated to contributing to the discovery of BC biomarkers and emphasizing the critical role of microbiota in BC monitoring. If you are interested in learning more about our BC diagnostic development services, please feel free to contact us. Our professional and patient staff will get in touch with you as soon as possible.


  1. Viswanathan S, et al. Role of Gut Microbiota in Breast Cancer and Drug Resistance. Pathogens. 2023 Mar 16;12(3):468.
All our services and products are exclusively intended for preclinical research purposes. They are not intended for diagnostic, therapeutic, or patient management applications.