PDX Models for Breast Cancer

PDX Models for Breast Cancer

In the majority of instances, a notable association can be observed between the response of patients to chemotherapy and patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models. The range of offerings provided by Alfa Cytology encompasses various xenografts derived from breast cancer patients, with a continuous expansion of options. Our models have been established through international collaborations with hospitals and universities, encompassing all major subtypes of breast cancer.

Application of PDX Models for Breast Cancer

PDX models generated from fresh tumor specimens recapitulate the diversity of breast cancer and reflect the histopathology, tumor behavior, and metastatic characteristics of the original tumor. Therefore, breast cancer PDX models are valuable for studying tumor clonal evolution and evaluating novel therapies and drug resistance.

Construction of PDX of breast cancer.Fig. 1. Breast PDX transplantation workflow. (Souto EP, et al., 2022)

Application Description
PDX Models for Drug Development
  • The predictive value of cancer models used in preclinical studies is limited.
  • PDX models can assist researchers in more accurately predicting drug efficacy.
PDX Models for Precision Medicine
  • Breast cancer is classified based on the expression levels of ER, PR, and HER2.
  • Many patients have benefited from treatment strategies formulated according to these classifications.
PDX Models for Co-Clinical Trials
  • To determine treatment strategies suitable for each patient, combined clinical trials using mouse models are conducted concurrently with clinical treatment.
  • The reliability of breast cancer PDX models as treatment choices is limited.

Our Services

Alfa Cytology provides PDX models for four types of breast cancer: luminal A, luminal B, human epidermal growth factor 2 (HER2) positive, and triple negative. Discover our latest range of breast cancer PDX models, which feature pretreated and/or metastatic breast tumors demonstrating resistance to therapy. Additionally, we offer models with clinically relevant mutations in the BRCA1 and ESR1 genes.

Luminal A Subtypes

To generate luminal-type PDX models, estrogen pellets were injected into immunodeficient mice prior to tumor transplantation. The resulting xenografts exhibited comparable estrogen receptor (ER) expression levels to the original patient tumors.

Luminal B Subtypes

PDX models of Luminal B subtypes aim to replicate the characteristics and behavior of Luminal B breast cancer tumors, enabling researchers to study and explore targeted therapies, treatment approaches, and the underlying biology associated with this particular subtype.

HER2 Positive Subtype

PDX models of HER2 positive subtypes are created by transplanting patient tumor samples with HER2 positive characteristics into immunodeficient mice. These models enable researchers to investigate the biology, treatment responses, and development of targeted therapies for HER2 positive breast cancer.

Triple Negative Subtype

PDX models of triple negative breast cancer are created by transplanting patient tumor samples with triple negative characteristics into immunodeficient mice. These models allow researchers to investigate the biology, treatment responses, and potential therapeutic strategies for triple negative breast cancer.

Workflow of PDX Models for Breast Cancer

Human Breast Tumor

Isolation of human tumor cells

T1, breast tumor cell engraftment

T2, successful transplant and tumor passage

T3, tumor passage and used in research

Contact Us

Alfa Cytology offers PDX model construction services for breast cancer to provide high quality for your research in breast cancer. Please contact us to discuss your project requirements and learn how our PDX modeling services for breast cancer can advance your research goals.


  1. Souto EP, et al. In vivo modeling of human breast cancer using cell line and patient-derived xenografts. Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia. 2022, 27(2): 211-230.
All our services and products are exclusively intended for preclinical research purposes. They are not intended for diagnostic, therapeutic, or patient management applications.