Small Molecule Drug Development for Breast Cancer

Small Molecule Drug Development for Breast Cancer

Introduction of Small Molecule Drug

Small molecule drugs can penetrate cell membranes to target intracellular proteins, and their stability and oral characteristics allow for direct and efficient drug delivery to patients. Compared with biological products, small molecule drugs' pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties are more predictable, so the corresponding drug treatment regimen is more straightforward. Small molecule drugs play an essential role in breast cancer (BC) therapy.

Molecular subtypes of breast cancer and types of triple-negative breast cancer.Fig. 1. Molecular subtypes of breast cancer and types of triple-negative breast cancer. (Islam MR, et al., 2022)

Breast Cancer Small Molecule Drug Development Services

Alfa Cytology can provide you with BC small molecule drug development services. Our services include:

  • Discovery and verification of BC drug targets

The main pathways for drug target discovery are:

  • Discover drug targets starting from effective monomeric compounds
  • Discover targets through quantitative analysis and comparative studies of protein expression profile changes in normal and disease states
  • Discover targets based on gene expression differences between normal and pathological tissues
  • Discover drug targets based on protein interactions
  • Apply RNA interference technology to specifically inhibit the expression of different genes in cells, and discover targets through changes in cell phenotype
  • Verification of hits and lead compounds

We mainly obtain leads to compounds by the following methods:

Method Description
Virtual high-throughput screening Using the mighty computing power of the computer, using the three-dimensional pharmacophore model or the method of molecular docking, it is a method to search for possible active compounds in the compound database.
DNA-encoded small molecule compound library synthesis and screening technology Utilizing the method of combinatorial chemistry and the diversity and expandability of DNA coding, it can quickly provide lead compounds for the early decisive stage of drug development, thereby speeding up the development process of new drugs.
  • BC drug pharmacology and toxicology evaluation

We can provide you with comprehensive pharmacology and toxicology tests of BC drugs, including non-clinical tests of drug efficacy, safety pharmacology tests, single-dose toxicity tests, repeated-dose toxicity tests, genetic toxicity tests, reproductive toxicity tests, carcinogenicity tests, etc.

  • BC drug production process, quality control, and stability research

Our services include the synthesis process of raw materials, the quality research of raw materials, the stability research of raw materials, the research of preparations, the research of excipients, the stability research of preparations, etc.

Advantages of Small Molecule Drugs

  • Efficient and low toxicity
  • Low drug resistance
  • New drug combination
  • Easy to administer
  • Low cost
  • Easy to transport and store

Alfa Cytology is driven by R&D and innovation, focusing on the development of small-molecule drugs. Our team is composed of highly educated and high-quality professionals with good professional backgrounds and experience in BC research. We have a complete set of technologies including small molecule screening, synthesis, drug analysis, stability research, and preparation development. If you are interested in learning more about our BC therapy development services, please feel free to contact us. Our professional and patient staff will get in touch with you as soon as possible.


  1. Islam MR, et al. Natural Small Molecules in Breast Cancer Treatment: Understandings from a Therapeutic Viewpoint. Molecules. 2022 Mar 27;27(7):2165.
All our services and products are exclusively intended for preclinical research purposes. They are not intended for diagnostic, therapeutic, or patient management applications.