Spontaneous and Induced Animal Models for Breast Cancer

Spontaneous and Induced Animal Models for Breast Cancer

Introduction of Spontaneous and Induced Animal Tumor Models

The most important feature of spontaneous breast cancer (BC) tumor models is that it occurs naturally in experimental animals without artificial treatment, and its etiology is similar to that of humans. Therefore, animal models of spontaneous BC are often used to study the etiology and treatment of BC. The induced mammary gland tumor model is artificially using chemical, physical and biological carcinogens to treat animals through oral administration, injection, systemic therapy, etc., to induce the rapid occurrence of mammary gland tumors. This model has a high incidence rate, a short incubation period, and reliable prediction results. It is often used to study the etiology and prevention of BC.

Biological approach to induce breast tumors.Fig. 1. Biological approach to induce breast tumors. (Zeng L, et al., 2020)

Spontaneous and Induced BC Animal Tumor Modeling Services

Tumor animal models play a vital role in basic research on tumor occurrence, development, and metastasis, as well as drug development and treatment. Therefore, tumor research is inseparable from the establishment of animal models. Alfa Cytology can provide you with spontaneous and induced breast tumor mouse models.

Our animal models of spontaneous breast tumors are mainly from inbred mice.

  • C3H line mice
  • A line mice
  • CBA/J mice
  • TA2 mice
  • F334 rat
  • ACI rat
  • Wistar rat
  • SD rat

We can provide you with induced breast tumors animal models through chemical, physical and biological carcinogens.

  • Chemically induced breast tumor animal models

We use 7,12-dimethylbenzo(a)anthracene, 3,4-benzopyrene, 3-methylcholan-threne (MCA), N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU), 2-acetylamino-fluorene, 3,4-benzopyrene, and urethane etc. to induce breast tumors.

  • Physically induced breast tumor animal models

We induce breast tumors by ionizing radiation, which typically induces hormone-dependent adenocarcinomas or fibroadenomas.

  • Biologically induced breast tumor animal models

We biologically induced breast tumors by lentivirus overexpression of oncogenes or silencing of tumor suppressor genes in experimental animals.

Application Fields

  • BC etiology
  • BC treatment
  • BC prevention
  • BC effect evaluation after chemotherapy
  • BC anticancer drug screening

Advantages of Our Services

  • Scientific program design
  • Strict quality control management
  • Professional research team
  • Rich project experience
  • High-quality project services

Alfa Cytology' BC spontaneous and induced tumor animal models have very important theoretical value and clinical significance in the study of BC pathogenesis, discovery of new drug targets, treatment, prevention, and efficacy evaluation. We have many years of experience in establishing BC models, including BC animal models, BC cell models, and BC organoids. We are a leading global life sciences company that can provide custom breast tumor models according to your needs. If you are interested in our services, please contact us. Our professionalism and competitive price will be the reason for you to choose us.


  1. Zeng L, et al. Breast cancer animal models and applications. Zool Res. 2020 Sep 18;41(5):477-494.
All our services and products are exclusively intended for preclinical research purposes. They are not intended for diagnostic, therapeutic, or patient management applications.