Transplanted Animal Models for Breast Cancer

Transplanted Animal Models for Breast Cancer

Introduction of Transplanted Animal Tumor Models

Depending on the transplantation site, breast cancer (BC) tumor models are divided into orthotopic and heterotopic transplants. Heterotopic transplantation is divided into subcutaneous transplantation, lung metastasis by tail vein injection, bone metastasis, and brain metastasis by left ventricle injection. According to the source of the graft, it can be divided into homograft and xenograft. The allograft model is established by inoculating cell lines or tissues of spontaneous or induced BC experimental animals into animals of the same species or the same strain with normal immune function. The xenograft model is established by transplanting human BC cells or tissues into immune-deficient experimental animals. At present, the transplanted BC tumor model is the most popular animal model for testing new therapies, especially the human xenograft model, which has the advantages of short cycle, low cost, small variation, and high tumor formation rate.

Transplanted breast cancer animal models.Fig. 1. Transplanted breast cancer animal models. (Zeng L, et al., 2020)
A: Allograft BC animal model. B: Cell line-derived xenograft BC animal model C: BC PDX model.

Our Services

Currently, transplanted BC tumor models are the most popular animal models for testing new therapies. Alfa Cytology can construct different types of BC transplanted tumor animal models for our customers to choose from.

  • Allograft models

Our commonly used mouse-derived BC cell lines include 4T1, EMT6, TM40, and D2A1 from BALB/c mice, E0771 (C57BL/6 mice), and MVT1, 6DT1, CST, M6 from FVB mice. Rat BC cell lines, such as UHKBR-01 and RM22-F5, are also used in allografts. This model has the advantage of a short incubation period and is often used in preclinical screening and evaluation of anti-BC drugs.

  • Xenograft models
Models Descriptions Applications
Cell-derived xenografts (CDX) Made by transplanting BC tumor cells into immunodeficient mice. Applied to study growth and metastasis of BC tumors.
Patient-derived xenograft (PDX) Made by transplanting patient BC tumor tissue into immunocompromised mice, this model closely mimics the primary tumor in terms of genetic abnormalities, gene expression profiles, pathological parameters, metastatic potential, and drug response. Applied to identify biomarkers for personalized drug selection.
Patient-derived organoids (PDOs) Made by orthotopic transplantation of primary human BC tumors into immunocompromised mice, the complex histology and heterogeneous organization of the tumors were preserved. Applied to large-scale anti-BC tumor drug screening.

Application Fields

  • BC tumor growth and metastasis
  • BC biomarker identification
  • BC personalized drug selection
  • Large-scale anti-BC tumor drug screening

Advantages of Our Services

  • Scientific modeling solution
  • High-quality modeling services
  • The professional and experienced research team
  • Excellent after-sales service

Alfa Cytology is a leading global life sciences company. We have years of experience in building BC models. We can choose different host animals and cell lines according to your needs to establish BC transplanted animal tumor models. If you are interested in our services, please contact us, and you will get a fast, professional, and accurate reply.


  1. Zeng L, et al. Breast cancer animal models and applications. Zool Res. 2020 Sep 18;41(5):477-494.
All our services and products are exclusively intended for preclinical research purposes. They are not intended for diagnostic, therapeutic, or patient management applications.