Development of Peptide Vaccines for Leukemia
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Development of Peptide Vaccines for Leukemia

Currently, there are no approved peptide vaccines for the treatment of leukemia, and a significant amount of research is still focused on preclinical trials. Collaborating with Alfa Cytology will expedite the progress of your peptide-based vaccines program for leukemia, leading to successful outcomes for your endeavor.

Vaccination Therapy for Leukemia

The peptide-based vaccination approach has been validated in studies targeting various types of cancer, demonstrating its ability to induce specific immune responses. However, its clinical efficacy in leukemia has not yet reached satisfactory levels. To design future effective clinical peptide vaccines, multiple challenges must be addressed and optimized, including the selection of antigen targets and the determination of optimal adjuvants and vaccination protocols.

The combination of peptide-based vaccines with other targeted therapies could further improve efficacy.Fig. 1. Combination of peptide-based vaccines with other immuno- and molecular targeted therapies. (Nelde, A. et al., 2021)

Our Services

Design Vaccines Based on Leukemia-associated Antigens

The key to leukemia immunotherapy lies in leukemia-specific antigens. We offer peptide vaccine development services based on leukemia-associated antigens (LAA) to address this crucial aspect. Through meticulous experimental procedures, we strive to identify the optimal peptide vaccines for you. We provide peptide vaccine development services based on the following LLA and can also offer customized services tailored to your project requirements.

Development of Leukemia-associated Antigens (LAA) Vaccines

Selection of Leukemia-associated Antigens

We assist in the selection of suitable epitopes from leukemia antigen proteins for the development of peptide vaccines.

Vaccine Formulation

We conduct experiments to test various experimental adjuvants and delivery systems that can stimulate immune responses against peptide vaccines.

Build Vaccine Candidates

By characterizing individual vaccine components, adjuvant-antigen complexes, kinetics, and molecular interactions, we can select vaccine candidates.

Preclinical Trials of Peptide-based Vaccine

Preclinical testing of candidate vaccines is conducted in leukemia models to assess the immunogenicity of the vaccine candidates.

Development of Adjuvants and Peptide Delivery System


Our services include the development of novel adjuvants and improved vaccine adjuvant formulations. These adjuvants encompass protein agonists, aluminum-based adjuvants, nanoparticle-based adjuvants, and more. Through our assistance, we aim to help you achieve the goal of enhancing vaccine efficacy.

Peptide Delivery System

The limitations of peptide vaccines can be overcome by utilizing peptide delivery systems. These peptide delivery systems include PLGA, liposomes, and more. Through our services, we can assist you in incorporating drug delivery systems into vaccine formulations to facilitate the targeted delivery of peptides to APCs.

Contact Us

If you are seeking innovative solutions for the development of peptide-based vaccines for the treatment of leukemia, Alfa Cytology is your trusted partner. Contact us today to discuss your unique requirements and learn how our expertise can accelerate the development of personalized therapies to combat leukemia.


  1. Nelde, A.; et al. The peptide vaccine of the future. Molecular Cellular Proteomics. 2021, 20: 100022.
For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.