Minimal residual disease (MRD) is increasingly attracting attention in experimental settings, indicating potential for broader practical applications in the future. Alfa Cytology is dedicated to the development of diverse methods aimed at determining residual cells in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Our objective is to expedite the integration of MRD into clinical practice and explore its effectiveness in evaluating treatment response.
As per the definition outlined by the International Workshop on CLL, individuals who have attained complete remission frequently harbor residual CLL cells. The presence of any amount of residual disease may indicate an elevated risk of cancer relapse. Post-treatment MRD levels consistently correlate with treatment outcomes, and the MRD status independently holds prognostic significance for patients undergoing chemotherapy or immunotherapy. However, the determination of MRD poses greater technical challenges and higher costs compared to clinical assessment, which is why routine adoption of MRD evaluation in clinical practice is limited.
Fig. 1. Evolution and requirements for flow cytometry panels for MRD testing in CLL. (Benintende, G. et al., 2023)
We are committed to providing assay development services for CLL MRD. The heterogeneity, sensitivity, and lack of standardized procedures associated with CLL MRD assays make their utilization in the clinical setting challenging. Consequently, we specialize in offering tailored development services aimed at discovering novel assays that can effectively meet the specific requirements of researchers in this field.
As CLL arises from the abnormal proliferation of a specific B-cell population, our developed PCR technology identifies each B-cell clone at the genetic level based on the unique rearrangement of immunoglobulin (Ig) genes within the hyper-variable region. Our service provides standardized analysis to enhance result comparability. The advantages of our developed PCR technology for CLL clone identification and MRD detection include its applicability to frozen samples, eliminating the need for processing fresh samples and simplifying result analysis.
Utilizing next-generation sequencing (NGS), we have developed a method for MRD detection, which serves as an important diagnostic tool for quantifying tumor burden. Our NGS technology identifies residual leukemia cells by amplifying all VDJ sequences within a single DNA sample. The NGS detection technique we have developed approaches a stable MRD5 detection limit, exhibiting extremely high sensitivity in detecting CLL MRD. It can detect MRD that may be undetectable by flow cytometry and PCR methods.
Alfa Cytology is committed to advancing MRD detection in CLL through our expertise, cutting-edge technologies, and customized services. Contact us to discuss how we can support your research or clinical endeavors in achieving more accurate and sensitive CLL MRD detection, ultimately improving patient outcomes.