NK Cell Therapy Development Services for Cancer
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NK Cell Therapy Development Services for Cancer

Alfa Cytology is committed to providing cutting-edge and comprehensive services for NK cell therapy development. Our services are designed to advance the preclinical development of NK cell therapies, support the discovery of NK cell therapy candidates, and provide promising avenues for cancer therapy.

Introduction to NK Cell Therapy

NK cell therapy, or natural killer cell therapy, has been used as an immunotherapeutic strategy to treat hematologic malignancies and solid tumors. NK cells are part of what makes up the immune system, and these specialized cells distinguish between healthy and abnormal cells (including tumor cells) and eliminate the latter. As the first line of defense against tumors and viral infections, NK cells can induce an antigen-independent immune response against malignant cells. The principles underlying NK cell therapy involve isolating and expanding these cytotoxic lymphocytes from either peripheral blood or umbilical cord blood, enhancing their anti-tumor activity through various means such as cytokine stimulation or genetic modification, and subsequently infusing them back into the body.

Fig. 1 Strategies to enhance the efficacy of NK cell therapies.Fig.1 Strategies to enhance the efficacy of NK cell therapies. (Du, N., et al., 2021)

Features of NK Cell Therapy

Compared to T cells, NK cells have the advantages of greater viability, lower risk of side effects, and faster response rates, making the emerging NK-targeted immunotherapies an alternative for cancer populations who are not candidates for T-cell therapy.

  • With an inherent ability to mediate cytotoxicity, NK cells can directly kill cancer cells without prior sensitization.
  • Unlike T cells, NK cells are less likely to induce Graft-versus-Host Disease (GvHD) due to their limited capacity for antigen recognition.
  • NK cells can be sourced from healthy donors, allowing for off-the-shelf availability and immediate therapy initiation.
  • NK cell therapy can synergize with existing cancer therapeutics to improve overall efficacy through complementary mechanisms of action.

Our Services

Even though NK cell immunotherapy is highly effective and promising against many cancer types, there are still some limitations, including insignificant infiltration, adverse conditions of the microenvironment, etc. Alfa Cytology is committed to providing a comprehensive range of services and solutions, to help address potential barriers to the development of NK cell therapy. Our services include, but are not limited to, the following.

NK Cell Isolation and Expansion

NK Cell Isolation and Expansion

We support a complete NK cell workflow - from procurement of various cell sources (including peripheral blood or cord blood) to isolation and expansion of NK cells.

Genetic Engineering of NK Cells

Genetic Engineering of NK Cells

Modifying NK cells to enhance their tumor cytotoxicity, in vivo persistence and expansion, tumor tissue migration, and the tumor targeting capacity of adoptively infused NK cells.

Cytokine Priming

Cytokine Priming

We prime NK cells with cytokines like interleukin-2 (IL-2) or interleukin-15 (IL-15) to enhance their proliferation, cytotoxicity, and persistence within the tumor microenvironment.

NK Cell Characterization

NK Cell Characterization

Characterization of expanded NK cells using flow cytometry, ELISA, microscopy and other techniques to measure cytotoxicity and cytokine production.

Preclinical Efficacy Studies

Preclinical Efficacy Studies

Conducting rigorous in vitro and in vivo studies, we evaluate the efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetics of NK cell therapies using relevant cancer models.

Immune Monitoring

Immune Monitoring

Employing flow cytometry and multiplex assays to monitor immune responses, and assess the impact of NK cell therapy on tumor progression and immunosuppressive mechanisms.

Alfa Cytology is committed to being your reliable partner in advancing the research and development of NK cell therapies. Our services are available to clients in diverse research areas such as oncology, infectious diseases and autoimmune diseases, and are designed to accelerate the progress of your project and lead innovation. Contact us today to learn how we can be involved in your project.


  1. Du, N., et al.; (2021). NK cell therapy: A rising star in cancer treatment. Cancers, 13(16), 4129.

! For research use only.