
Biomarkers Identification for Pancreatic Cancer

Biomarkers Identification for Pancreatic Cancer

Blood sample for CA 19-9 test, tumor marker for PC.

Since pancreatic cancer (PC) is one of the most lethal malignancies with late clinical presentation, early metastasis, and poor prognosis. The search for inexpensive, noninvasive, or minimally invasive biomarkers with high sensitivity and specificity to improve the diagnosis and treatment of PC has been ongoing. Alfa Cytology is a leading provider of pancreatic cancer (PC) research services. We have many years of experience in PC molecular research and can provide a variety of quality services to our clients. Based on our advanced preclinical biomarker platform, we can help our global customers advance their progress in PC biomarker discovery and analysis.

Diagnosis and detection of PC: New biomarkers in progress

Considerable research has been done on biomarker detection in blood, breath, and pancreatic fluid. The investigation of potential biomarkers to aid in the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of PC has been an area of intensive research. There are several biomarkers that have early diagnostic, predictive and prognostic potential for PC.

  • Diagnostic biomarkers

Serum carbohydrate antigen (CA) 19-9; microRNA (miRNAs); macrophage inhibitory cytokine 1 (MIC-1); PAM 4 (a murine monoclonal antibody); glypican 1 (GPC1, a membrane anchoring protein); KRAS mutation; osteopontin (OPN, a protein of extracellular matrix); epigenetic markers

  • Predictive biomarkers

Human equilibrate nucleoside transporter 1 (hENT1); FOLFIRINOX markers; stromal markers; BRCA mutated tumors; microsatellite instability; PD-1/PD-L1

  • Prognostic biomarkers

Serum carbohydrate antigen (CA) 19-9; SMAD4, a signal transformer from transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β); angiogenesis markers; inflammatory markers; immune markers; microRNA (miRNAs); SPARC

Our biomarker platform

Alfa Cytology has a longstanding research interest in PC and its biomarkers. We have launched a preclinical biomarker platform consisting of flow cytometry analysis, pathology/multicolor fluorescence analysis, next-generation sequencing (NGS) sequencing and bioinformatics analysis, molecular biology analysis, and PC model-based analysis. Cost-effective sequencing of entire genomes or thousands of mutations simultaneously using NGS can be a powerful tool for biomarker detection and discovery.

Our platform involves expertise across a wide range of disciplines, and our biomarker discovery and analysis services are refined down to every step of the process and overcome your internal data and analytical challenges. Notably, we are able to assist our clients with further research on the above potential PC biomarkers and help them discover and identify new PC biomarkers. We are ready to assist customers to investigate these major kinds of PC biomarkers, including,

  • PC proteomics biomarkers
  • PC metabolomic biomarkers, including non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs)
  • liquid biopsy, in terms of circulating tumor cells (CTCs), circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), and exosomes.

Workflow of our service

Workflow of our service-Alfa Cytology

Benefits of our service

  • Years of experience in PC biomarker discovery and analysis
  • Customized biomarker discovery and analysis with high capability
  • One-solution services, ranging from experimental design, and high complexity analyses, to result interpretation
  • Low sample requirement, big data
  • Well-characterized in vivo, ex vivo, and in vitro models as reliable test systems for functional and efficacy assessment

At Alfa Cytology, we provide standard operating procedures and systems for sample collection, storage, analysis, and interpretation of results to fully support our clients' PD biomarker discovery and analysis. Thank you for choosing our services. You can contact us for more about our PC biomarker platform, or any other inquiries. Our customer service representatives are available 24 hours a day from Monday to Sunday.


  1. Hasan, Syed, et al. "Advances in pancreatic cancer biomarkers." Oncology reviews 13.1 (2019).
  2. Kunovsky, Lumir, et al. "The use of biomarkers in early diagnostics of pancreatic cancer." Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2018 (2018).
  3. Kim, Hongbeom, et al. "Biomarker panel for the diagnosis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma." Cancers 12.6 (2020): 1443.
All of our services are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.