


Catalog No.: PC0090

Size: 5 mg,10 mg, 25 mg,50 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg, 500 mg


Minnelide is a prodrug of triptolide that shows potent antitumor activity in a number of tumor types, particularly in pancreatic cancer. Minnelide promotes apoptosis.

Molecular Weight 514.37
Formula C21H25Na2O10P
CAS No. 1254702-87-8
Appearance Solid
Color White to off-white
SMILES C[C@@]12[C@@]34[C@]([C@@H]5C[C@@]1([H])C6=C(C(OC6)=O)CC2)(O5)[C@@H]([C@](O7)(C(C)C)[C@@H]7[C@@H]3O4)OCOP(O[Na])(O[Na])=O
Shipping Room temperature in continental US; may vary elsewhere.
Storage Please store the product under the recommended conditions in the Certificate of Analysis.
In Vitro Minnelide (0-200 nM; 48 hours) shows significantly decreased cell viability in pancreatic cancer cell lines after treatment in the presence, but not in the absence, of phosphatase.
In Vivo Minnelide (injection intraperitoneally; 0.1-0.6 mg/kg; once daily or twice daily) leads to a marked decrease in tumor weight and volume at the end of treatment and increases survival in orthotopic model of pancreatic cancer with MIA PaCa-2–derived human pancreatic tumors.
Minnelide (injection intraperitoneally; 0.42 mg/kg; once daily; 28 days) prevents locoregional spread and leads to a decrease in average tumor weight in a xenograft model of pancreatic cancer with metastatic S2-013 cells.
Minnelide (injection intraperitoneally; 0.42 mg/kg, 0.21 mg/kg; once daily) causes tumor regression and tumors from Minnelide-treated animals showed fibrosis and the presence of pyknotic nuclei in human pancreatic cancer xenografts in SCID mice.
All of our services are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.