Carcinogen-Induced Model Development Service

Carcinogen-Induced Model Development Service

A carcinogen-induced model refers to an experimental animal model in which animals are exposed to specific carcinogens to induce the development of cancer. Alfa Cytology provides customized carcinogen-induced animal model for bladder cancer research.

Carcinogen-Induced for Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is a significant health concern worldwide, and research efforts are focused on understanding its development and identifying effective therapeutic strategies. Carcinogen-induced animal models play a crucial role in studying the etiology and progression of bladder cancer. These models involve the administration of specific carcinogens to animals, replicating the process of carcinogenesis observed in humans.

Fig.1 Carcinogen-Induced Model.

Carcinogen-Induced Model


Carcinogen-induced models offer several advantages in bladder cancer research, including their relevance to human pathology, controlled exposure to carcinogens, the ability to study stepwise progression, evaluation of preventive and therapeutic strategies, biomarker discovery, and cost-effectiveness.

Our Services

Alfa Cytology, a renowned preclinical contract research organization (CRO), is at the forefront of advancing bladder cancer research through its comprehensive range of customization services for carcinogen-induced models.We provide tailored solutions to support the development of novel therapies for this challenging disease.

We provide animal models of bladder cancer induced by these common carcinogens.

Our Services Advantages
N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine (BBN)-induced models
  • The pathological features, gene expression, and mutation profile are similar to human bladder cancer;
  • The animal model is easy to establish and takes a short duration to develop tumor;
  • The animal model is associated with a high rate of tumor formation (up to 100%);
  • The immune system of the animal model is intact after induction.
4-aminobiphenyl (FANFT)-induced models
  • The pathological features of transitional cell carcinoma are similar to human bladder cancer.
N-Methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU)-induced models
  • The pathological features of tumor induced by MNU are similar to human bladder cancer;
  • The animal model is associated with a high rate of tumor formation (70–100%);
  • Tumor induction is manageable.

Our Services Will Help You Achieve the Goals as Follows:

  • Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis Studies
    By exposing animals to carcinogens, we are able to help our clients study bladder tumorigenesis, progression from precancerous lesions to invasive tumors, and the molecular and cellular changes associated with these processes.
Fig 2. Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis Studies.
 Fig 3. Evaluation of Therapeutic Interventions.
  • Evaluation of Therapeutic Interventions
    By administering drugs to model animals suffering from carcinogen-induced disease, we can help clients evaluate therapeutic response, tumor regression, tumor growth inhibition, and potential side effects for bladder cancer therapy.
  • Identification of Biomarkers
    We offer carcinogen-induced models that help to identify biomarkers associated with bladder cancer development and response to therapy.
 Fig 4. Identification of Biomarkers.

Contact Us

Alfa Cytology is committed to providing exceptional services and solutions that drive progress in bladder cancer research. Our team is ready to collaborate with you and accelerate your research projects. To learn more about our carcinogen-induced model development services or to discuss your specific needs, please contact us.


  1. Shah SD, Gillard BM, and et al. Syngeneic model of carcinogen-induced tumor mimics basal/squamous, stromal-rich, and neuroendocrine molecular and immunological features of muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Front Oncol. 2023, 3, 13: 1120329.
For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.
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Alfa Cytology is dedicated to drug development and preclinical services for bladder cancer.

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