Targeted Sequencing for Brain Tumors
Concentrating on designated regions, targeted sequencing is widely used in detecting low-frequency somatic mutations, presenting cost-effective solutions for brain tumor research. Leveraging high-depth and targeted sequencing methodologies, even rare mutations can be precisely identified, enhancing the scope and accuracy of brain tumor genetic analyses. Alfa Cytology offers efficient and precise targeted sequencing services tailored to brain tumor research.
Introduction to Targeted Sequencing
Targeted sequencing is a precise method used in brain tumor research that selectively sequences specific genes and transcripts, enhancing the coverage of desired DNA and RNA sequences. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has transformed genomic investigations of brain tumors, enabling the advancement of tailored brain tumor therapies based on molecular tumor profiling. Leveraging next-generation sequencing, targeted sequencing can simultaneously analyze multiple targets, facilitating the exploration of crucial genes and notable variants associated with brain tumor advancement.
Fig.1 Classification and genetics of pediatric B-other acute lymphoblastic leukemia by targeted RNA sequencing. (Migita NA., et al., 2023)
Our Services
At Alfa Cytology, our proficiency lies in the precise identification of mutations in brain tumor samples through the application of targeted sequencing technology. Whether your interest lies in a narrow selection of genes or a broad spectrum of genetic markers, our targeted sequencing methodology guarantees exceptional sensitivity and specificity, comprehensive coverage and superior data quality.
Targeted DNA Sequencing
Proven targeted DNA sequencing services such as tumor mutational burden (TMB) analysis are provided as a complement to genomics to reveal brain tumor biomarkers and assist in customizing personalized therapy selections.
Targeted RNA Sequencing
Efficient targeted RNA sequencing services are offered to provide qualitative and quantitative insights into gene expression analysis, enabling a thorough examination of specific transcripts.
Brain Tumor-targeted Sequencing Data Parsing Service
Specializing in conducting targeted sequencing analyses of diverse brain tumor samples, Alfa Cytology offers mutation analyses that are closely associated with brain tumor profiles. The process involves evaluating the amplification efficiency of targeted libraries and refining primer sequences to bolster the reliability of the analysis results.
- Acquisition of reading sequences containing mutational information.
- Quality control of the amplification efficiency of the target amplification region corresponding to the amplicon.
- Deletion of primer sequences from the read sequences.
- Identify mutations in the read segment sequences compared to the target region.
- Screening samples based on sequencing depth at the mutation site.
- Collating identified mutations to filter out significantly different mutations.
- Integrating information from association analysis.
Our Services Help You Achieve the Following Goals
- Promote the discovery of genetic biomarkers associated with brain tumors.
- Help characterize genetic correlations as a specific phenotype of brain tumors.
- Facilitate the development of novel brain tumor therapeutics.
Why Choose Us?




Alfa Cytology provides targeted sequencing services for the precise analysis of customer-selected genes using high-throughput sequencing technologies. Our services aid in detecting point mutations, insertions or deletions, copy number alterations and gene rearrangements during brain tumor initiation, progression and metastasis. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our experienced team for the most up-to-date targeted sequencing services tailored to brain tumors.
- Migita NA.; et al. (2023). Classification and genetics of pediatric B-other acute lymphoblastic leukemia by targeted RNA sequencing[J]. Blood advances. 7(13), 2957–2971.
All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.
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