Angiogenesis Inhibitor Development

Angiogenesis Inhibitor Development

Angiogenesis, the process of new blood vessel formation, plays a critical role in the growth, progression, and metastasis of breast cancer. Targeting tumor angiogenesis has been explored as a therapeutic approach. At Alfa Cytology, we specialize in the preclinical discovery of angiogenesis inhibitors and promotes the development of new therapies for breast cancer.

Introduction to Angiogenesis Inhibitor for Breast Cancer

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptors (VEGFRs) coordinate the proliferation, migration and survival of endothelial cells to promote the formation of new blood vessels to supply blood to rapidly growing tumors. Therefore, many monoclonal antibodies and small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors targeting VEGF/VEGFR have been developed and approved for the treatment of breast cancer. However, these anti-VEGF therapies have limited clinical efficacy in breast cancer. Therefore, other novel anti-angiogenesis inhibitors should be explored for the treatment of breast cancer.

Fig. 1 Angiogenesis and tumor vasculature. (Ayoub N. M., et al. 2022)Fig. 1 Angiogenesis and tumor vasculature. (Ayoub N. M., et al. 2022)

Angiogenesis Inhibitor Development for Breast Cancer

Metastatic breast cancer is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in diagnosed patients. Cancer metastasis involves a sequential, multistep and multifunctional series of biological events that culminate in the spread of cancer cells from the primary tumor site to distant sites. In this complex process, angiogenesis is a crucial early step in the metastatic cascade. Researchers develop novel angiogenesis inhibitors for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer.

Target Therapeutics Register ID Phase
Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor (FGFR) inhibitors Erdafitinib,fulvestrant,and palbociclib NCT03238196
Futibatinib NCT02052778
RLY-4008 NCT04526106
Angiopoietin inhibitors Trebananib and standard therapies NCT01042379
Interleukin agonists Efineptakin alfa and pembrolizumab NCT04332653
Pegilodecakin and anticancer drugs NCT02009449
TGF-β/TGF-βR inhibitors Bintrafusp alfa NCT04489940
SHR1701 and cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitor NCT04355858
NIS793 and anti-PD-1 antibody NCT02947165
PF-06952229,palbociclib,and letrozole,or enzalutamide NCT03685591

Our Services

As a leading preclinical CRO, Alfa Cytology is committed to advancing the development of innovative cancer therapies, including angiogenesis inhibitors for breast cancer. Our state-of-the-art facilities and multidisciplinary team of experts provide comprehensive services to support the entire drug development process, from target identification and validation to preclinical studies and biomarker development.

Our Therapeutics Development Platform for Angiogenesis Inhibitors Development

We work with our customers to develop new angiogenesis inhibitors for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer.

FGFR Inhibitor Development

Angiopoietin Inhibitor Development

Interleukin Agonist Development

Platelet Derived Growth Factor Inhibitor Development

Alfa Cytology provides development services for angiogenesis inhibitors, covering drug design, screening, and efficacy research to find ideal drug candidates for you and accelerate preclinical research on your breast cancer therapeutics. To learn more about our capabilities in angiogenesis inhibitor development for breast cancer or to discuss potential collaborative opportunities, please don't hesitate to contact us.


  1. Ayoub N. M., Jaradat S. K., and et al. Targeting Angiogenesis in Breast Cancer: Current Evidence and Future Perspectives of Novel Anti-Angiogenic Approaches. Front Pharmacol. 2022, 13: 838133.
All our services and products are exclusively intended for preclinical research purposes. They are not intended for diagnostic, therapeutic, or patient management applications.