Therapeutic Antibody Development for Breast Cancer

Therapeutic Antibody Development for Breast Cancer

Introduction of Breast Cancer Therapy

Breast cancer (BC) is a highly heterogeneous malignant tumor occurring in breast epithelial tissue, which is more common in women. The systemic treatment of BC has initially formed a mature system including chemotherapy, targeted therapy, endocrine therapy, neoadjuvant therapy, surgery, and immunotherapy. In recent years, "precision treatment" has gradually received attention, and individualized treatment strategies can further improve the prognosis of BC patients and improve the quality of life of patients.

Major aberrant signaling pathways with potential therapeutic targets in TNBC.Fig. 1. Major aberrant signaling pathways with potential therapeutic targets in TNBC. (Bhardwaj PV, et al., 2023)

Breast Cancer Therapy Development Services

Alfa Cytology can provide you with BC therapy development services. We have a team of high-quality BC experts, and our laboratory is equipped with an advanced instrument and equipment platform, and has rich experience in developing BC therapy. Our services include:

Services Description
Breast cancer small molecule drug development Small molecule drugs can penetrate cell membranes to target intracellular proteins, and their stability and oral properties allow direct and efficient drug delivery to patients. The services we can provide you include the discovery and verification of small molecule drug targets, the discovery and verification of lead compounds, the pharmacology, toxicology and safety evaluation of small molecule drugs.
Breast cancer antibody-drug conjugates drug development Antibody-drug conjugates combine the dual advantages of targeted selective antibodies and cytotoxic drugs with high anti-BC tumor activity, can kill BC tumors efficiently and precisely, and greatly improve the benefit-risk ratio of anti-BC tumor treatment. The services we can provide you include monoclonal antibody development, cytotoxin synthesis, linker design, and preparation.
Targeting breast cancer stem cells therapy development BC stem cell therapy is the infusion of healthy stem cells back into the patient's body through an intravenous injection. These healthy stem cells will go directly to the lesion of the breast to replace the cancerous and damaged cells, thereby restoring the normal state of the body. We can provide you with stem cell culture services from various sources.
Development of cellular immunotherapies for breast cancer Cellular immunotherapy is an emerging BC treatment. By activating or restoring the tumor-killing function of the human immune system, cancer recurrence and metastasis can be effectively avoided, and the survival rate of BC patients can be further improved. The services we can provide you include CAR-T therapy development, CAR-NK therapy development, TIL therapy development, and targeting TAMs therapy development services.
Development of peptide-drug conjugates for breast cancer PDC is an emerging targeted therapy drug that can improve tumor penetration and selectivity. PDC consists of linker, homing peptide, and cytotoxic payload. The solutions we can provide you include the selection of peptides, linkers, and payloads.
Development of oncolytic viral therapy for breast cancer OVs therapy has strong anti-tumor specificity, good curative effect, and few side effects. We can provide you with OVs design and construction, as well as OVs in vivo and in vitro detection services.

Advantages of Our Services

  • Professional team of scientists and years of BC therapy development services
  • Customized service to satisfy customers
  • Efficient, reliable results for cell-based and biochemical assays
  • High throughput and reliable analysis

Alfa Cytology has many years of experience in the development of BC therapies. Based on our advanced platform and experienced scientists, we can provide you with comprehensive, mature, and high-quality therapy development services. If you are interested in learning about our BC therapy development services, please contact us. We will give you a professional and competitively priced strategy that suits your needs quickly.


  1. Bhardwaj PV, et al. Advances in the Management of Early-Stage Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Aug 5;24(15):12478.
All our services and products are exclusively intended for preclinical research purposes. They are not intended for diagnostic, therapeutic, or patient management applications.