Diagnostics Development for Breast Cancer

Diagnostics Development for Breast Cancer

Introduction of Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer (BC) is the key to improving curative effects. The diagnosis of BC mainly relies on clinical examination, imaging examination, and needle biopsy. Imaging examination is an important part of early detection of BC and assessment of disease severity after diagnosis, but it also has certain limitations. Breast imaging diagnosis is difficult, and it is difficult to train professional imaging diagnostic personnel, which makes breast AI imaging diagnosis gradually occupy a dominant position. Noninvasive diagnostic biomarkers are currently the best method for BC screening, early diagnosis, or prognosis. Biomarkers detected from body fluids such as blood (serum/plasma), urine, saliva, nipple aspirates, tears, and feces can detect early BC with high precision in a minimally invasive manner.

Ultrasound appearance of dense breasts.Fig. 1. Ultrasound appearance of dense breasts. (Lee SH, et al., 2022)

Breast Cancer AI Diagnosis Service

Alfa Cytology has extensive experience in BC AI diagnosis and biomarker development. We are committed to helping customers diagnose BC with high precision and successfully develop BC diagnostic biomarkers through customized services, powerful platforms, powerful analysis, and cross-platform collaboration. Our services include,

Our AI detection can detect early BC in time and help improve the survival rate of BC patients. Our services include BC screening diagnosis, breast density assessment, and BC efficacy assessment.

Services Description
miRNA biomarkers for breast cancer diagnostics The expression of miRNA can regulate oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes. Therefore, miRNAs can be used as reliable biomarkers for early detection, prognosis, monitoring of treatment response, and identification of drug resistance mechanisms in BC.
Protein biomarkers for breast cancer diagnostics The proteome is very dynamic, changing dramatically in response to biological signals, environmental conditions, and other external stimuli. Given this critical role, this protein could serve as an important biomarker for BC.
Microbiota biomarkers for breast cancer diagnostics As an important part of the body, the microbiota has recently been recognized as an important mediator of tumor susceptibility and disease progression. The mammary gland and gut microbiota are related to the occurrence and development of BC.
CTC biomarkers for breast cancer diagnostics CTCs detach from the primary tumor, move to distant organs through blood vessels, and undergo adhesion, migration, and metastasis. Liquid biopsy can contribute to early diagnosis, prediction of disease prognosis, and monitoring of treatment response.
ctDNA biomarkers for breast cancer diagnostics ctDNA is a class of liquid biopsy biomarkers that can be detected in the blood of cancer patients even in the early stages of the disease.

Alfa Cytology is a leading CRO company with rich experience in BC diagnostic development, advanced technology, and a professional team. If you are interested in learning more about our BC diagnostic development services, please feel free to contact us. Our professional and patient staff will get in touch with you as soon as possible.


  1. Lee SH, Moon WK. Glandular Tissue Component on Breast Ultrasound in Dense Breasts: A New Imaging Biomarker for Breast Cancer Risk. Korean J Radiol. 2022 Jun;23(6):574-580.
All our services and products are exclusively intended for preclinical research purposes. They are not intended for diagnostic, therapeutic, or patient management applications.