

Alfa Cytology is at the forefront of preclinical pancreatic cancer research, specializing in adenocarcinoma services. Our primary goal is to advance understanding and therapy development for adenocarcinoma through comprehensive and customized research solutions.

Introduction to Adenocarcinoma

Adenocarcinoma is a type of cancer that originates in glandular tissues and is one of the most prevalent forms of cancer affecting organs such as the pancreas, colon, and lungs. Most cancers of the breast, lung, esophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, pancreas, prostate, and uterus are adenocarcinomas. According to recent studies, pancreatic adenocarcinoma accounts for approximately 85% of all pancreatic cancer cases and has a five-year survival rate of less than 10%. The disease is characterized by late detection and rapid progression, making early diagnosis and effective treatment challenging.

Fig. 1 Adenocarcinoma spectrum: pathological and radiological characterization.Fig. 1 Features of the adenocarcinoma spectrum: pathological and radiological characterisation. (Succony, L.; et al., 2021)

Therapeutics for Adenocarcinoma

Several drugs are currently in various stages of the developmental pipeline, and here are some key examples.

Therapeutics Molecular Type Target Phase
APX005M Monoclonal Antibody CD40 receptor Phase II
Napabucasin (BBI-608) Small Molecule Inhibitor STAT3 protein Phase III
Pegilodecakin (PEG-rIL-10) Cytokine (PEGylated interleukin-10) Macrophages and T-cells Phase III
AM0010 Recombinant human interleukin-10 IL-10 receptor Phase III
Pamrevlumab (FG-3019) Monoclonal Antibody CTGF Phase III

Our Services

With state-of-the-art preclinical research facilities and a team of dedicated biologists and scientists, Alfa Cytology is committed to conducting groundbreaking in vitro and in vivo studies to unravel the complex mechanisms of adenocarcinoma and offers a full range of services to scientists around the globe who are exploring innovative therapies.

Cancer Modeling Services

Our cancer modeling platform provides robust and predictive models that mimic the complexity of human adenocarcinoma. The main types of models we can offer include the following:

  • Patient-Derived Xenograft Models: Human tumor tissues implanted in immunodeficient mice to study tumor growth and drug response.
  • Genetically Engineered Mouse Models: Mice genetically modified to carry mutations commonly found in adenocarcinoma, used for studying disease mechanisms and drug efficacy.
  • Organoid Models: 3D cultures derived from patient tumors that mimic the architecture and function of adenocarcinoma tissues, used for drug screening and personalized medicine.
  • Syngeneic Models: Mouse tumor cell lines implanted in immunocompetent mice to study immune responses and evaluate immunotherapies.
  • Cell Line-Derived Xenograft Models: Cancer cell lines implanted in mice to assess tumor growth and therapeutic responses.

Therapeutic Development Services

Our therapeutic development platform utilizes cutting-edge technologies and methodologies focused on the development and innovation of various adenocarcinoma drugs.

Adenocarcinoma Diagnostic Development Services

Alfa Cytology's diagnostic development platform leverages advanced technologies to offer innovative diagnostic services.

  • Biomarker Discovery and Validation: This Includes blood-based biomarker discovery and tissue biomarker discovery, utilizing advanced technologies to identify novel biomarkers for early detection and therapeutic targeting.
  • Molecular Diagnostics: Development of assays for detecting genetic mutations, gene expression, and epigenetic changes associated with adenocarcinoma.
  • Imaging Services: This includes quantitative tumor area analysis and immuno-oncology tissue imaging and analysis, to gain precise insights into tumor morphology and immune landscape.
  • Multi-omics Services: Our comprehensive services encompass genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, epigenomics, and immune-omics, offering a holistic approach to unraveling the complexities of adenocarcinoma at multiple molecular levels.

Alfa Cytology is dedicated to advancing preclinical research in pancreatic adenocarcinoma, offering a comprehensive suite of services to support the development of innovative therapies. Our experienced team of scientists, researchers, and technicians can provide flexible and scalable services to meet the specific needs of our clients at every stage of a project. For cutting-edge research solutions tailored to your needs, contact us today to explore how our specialized services can drive your research forward.


  1. Succony L, et al. Adenocarcinoma spectrum lesions of the lung: Detection, pathology and treatment strategies. Cancer treatment reviews. 2021, 99: 102237.
All of our services are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.