Efficacy Evaluation for Breast Cancer Drugs

Efficacy Evaluation for Breast Cancer Drugs

Efficacy trials are conducted with the aim of obtaining regulatory approval for marketing purposes. Alfa Cytology offers a variety of testing methods to evaluate the impact of drugs on breast cancer, assisting our clients in reducing the duration of their efficacy trials. Our efficacy evaluation services help expedite the translation of project outcomes into clinical settings.

Overview of Efficacy Evaluation

Accurately assessing the therapeutic effectiveness provides crucial information regarding the impact of systemic treatments on the biology and prognosis of breast cancer, guiding further interventions. The evaluation of efficacy holds significant importance in both preclinical investigations and fundamental research. The following diagram depicts a breast cancer chip model developed by researchers, facilitating the study of CAR-T cell efficacy.

Construction of PDX of breast cancer.Fig. 1. Breast cancer-on-chip for patient-specific efficacy of CAR-T cells. (Maulana TI, et al., 2024)

Our Services

Alfa Cytology has been offering evaluation analysis services, both in vivo and in vitro, to global research institutions and companies, providing detailed interpretations of experimental outcomes.

In vitro Efficacy Evaluation

Breast cancer cell lines serve as commonly employed model systems closely associated with genomic alterations, protein expression following prolonged culture, and treatment outcomes of patient-derived tumors. We possess both standard 2D cell culture and 3D cell culture models, which provide support for assessing the in vitro efficacy of breast cancer drugs. We offer diverse in vitro models for evaluating the effectiveness of breast cancer therapeutics.

Based on the model, we will provide the most suitable testing methods and protocols for the evaluation of your breast cancer drugs. The testing services we offer include, but are not limited to, the following aspects.

  • Cell Proliferation Assays
  • Cell Cycle Assays
  • Cell Apoptosis Assays
  • Cytokine assays
  • Cell Migration and Invasion Assays
  • Flow Cytometry Staining and Analysis
  • Cytotoxicity Assays

In Vivo Efficacy Evaluation

We have a variety of animal models of breast cancer for drug effectiveness evaluation. This evaluation process helps researchers and pharmaceutical companies identify promising drug candidates, understand their mechanisms of action, determine optimal dosage and treatment regimens, and make informed decisions regarding further preclinical and clinical development.

Workflow of Our Services

Service Process - Alfa Cytology

Contact Us

Alfa Cytology possesses expertise in designing and conducting studies for drug efficacy evaluation, particularly in the context of breast cancer. We strive to be your best partner by providing high-quality and efficient turnaround services. Please contact us to discuss your project requirements.


  1. Maulana TI, et al. Breast cancer-on-chip for patient-specific efficacy and safety testing of CAR-T cells. Cell Stem Cell. 2024, 3: 1-14.
All our services and products are exclusively intended for preclinical research purposes. They are not intended for diagnostic, therapeutic, or patient management applications.